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4.0 ( 3840 ratings )
Hry Zábava Zdraví a fitness Arcade
Vývojář: JandH
0.99 USD

Did you use to spend hours playing Qix and every spare minute playing Snake? Then Qake will surely hit the spot!

Qake is a retro-design game, inspired by arcade and cell phone classics. It offers entertaining diversion and wont cease to enthrall due to its dynamic level design.

The goal of every level is to secure a certain percentage of the court area. Controlling the player via swipe gestures, you have to steer your token around the court in order to section off partitions, until you reach the level goal.

On this mission you will face diverse Balls and Bombs which must hit neither you, nor the unsecured path. There are balls and bombs with special features making your life even harder. Examples include variable speed or size as well as wobbly balls. You can however eliminate balls by enclosing them within your path, earning yourself bonus points as well as additional lives.

Qake comes with a randomized level-generator: The configuration of balls and bombs you face in each level is dynamically composed at runtime - making sure that every game is a unique experience!

Collect powerful power ups to move faster, become invulnerable and gain additional life! Discover bonus-levels, earn achievements and challenge other players to beat your score!

"The application revives the thrill of the extremely popular classic arcade games and hence ensures to give the players an unmatched experience. The unique design and gameplay, along with fresh and randomized challenges make the game a source of continued entertainment." - Apps4Review

"[...] the presentation is fantastic and will make anyone who grew up in the era of arcade games feel nostalgic. The graphics nail the 8-bit feel of video games past." - AppsMirror

"This retro game will take you back to those older classic cell phone and arcade games that may have you searching for a few more of the “golden oldies” thanks to its pure addictiveness." - Game400.com

"It’s a perfect blend of simplicity and elegance. [...] But before you pick this game up, let me warn you! It’s one of the most addictive games I’ve ever played. It’s like alcohol and I really “mean” it!" - WebAppRater